Katy Studio

What’s good design?

A good design is not just for the pretty looks the appearance, nor is it a whimsical idea, but a set of mind-reading skills. We have explained the topic concisely in the previous article. Of course, its core is to clarify, understand and meet people's needs, so as to...

Mind Reading by Design

Hello, from Katy Studio! This week we bring to understand about Mind Reading by Design, which is our unique and core selling proportion adding on our prime creative solution and help our clients reach out their business objectives. Let's explore what together!

What is design?

What is design? Then you may want to ask, to understand design, do I have to learn to draw now? No, this is actually one of the most common misconceptions. Art training is the basis for becoming a professional designer.

What is a brand about?

There are as many definitions for marketers but to me, the brand is all about the feelings that customers have about certain products or services. To give you an example, if I ask you to tell me three things that you associate with the Apple brand,

Hello Katy Studio!

Welcome to Katy Studio. This is The absolute guidance that carries out your business in a digital way for sustainable growth. Katy Studio is your prime creative, digital, and startup solutions partner.